Places Around SMU to Study
Working hard or hardly working? We got you covered, if you need a place to hang out in Singapore Management University (SMU)! Here is a TripAdvisor of sorts, to SMU's nooks and crannies.
In no particular order—
SMU Labs
Source: SMU
This Vanguard Building tucked away behind School of Business (SOB) is dedicated entirely to SMU undergraduates for the sole purpose of studying and facilitating project discussions. Awesome or awesome, probably which?
Extra kudos for allowing food and drinks inside. There’s even a drink/snack vending machine on the third floor. Comfy chairs. Airconditioned. You can book group study rooms (GSRs) or discussion booths for group work. Good for solo studying too. Here is a handy article about SMU Labs.
SMU Library
Source: SMU
Quiet Area vs Normal Area. But NO FOOD allowed anywhere. Tends to get really crowded, especially towards exam time. Your best chance to get a good seat is in the morning. You can print your research papers and lecture notes in the printing room on Level 2, 3 and 4. Sockets are available at select spots, which are usually snapped up early as prime real estate.
Group Study Room (GSR)
Turn into any corner of the university faculty buildings and you will find a GSR. Question is— are there people inside?
Get ahead of the pack by booking your GSR in advance. You need two people on the online facility booking system and you can book up to three hours each time. Vary in size, some suited for four people and some are larger, for about eight people or more— it doesn’t state in the system so flip a coin or ask around for recommendations. Suited both for quiet study time as well as group project meetings. Airconditioned. Plenty of sockets too. Whiteboards in most GSRs. Bring your own whiteboard markers.
P.S. If you didn’t already know, here’s how to hop to the online facilities booking system:
(1) Go to New Facility Booking on the OASIS Home Page
(2) Make a New Booking.
ProTip: Narrow your search by keying in Group Study Room under Facility Type. Also, make sure that the Start Date and End Date are the same— the browser default is to put the dates one month apart.
School of Accountancy (SOA) Basement
Walk along T-junction— past Koufu, Pastamania, dental@Uni and turn right at Booklink— and you will find a nook where people can huddle around wooden benches.
Each table can hold up to 8 people; good for project work. No matter if you are a solo act, we practice a sharing economy at SMU. Airconditioned. However, its location in a secluded corner also means that it can become stuffy at times due to lack of circulated air. Although quite a lot of people pass by that area, it is relatively quiet. Close proximity to Koufu and Pastamania.
Tables Along School Corridors
These tables are found EVERYWHERE in the faculty buildings— School of Economics/School of Social Sciences (SOE/SOSS), School of Information Systems (SIS), School of Accountancy (SOA) and School of Business (SOB).
Each table is suited for one person + barang; may squeeze two if you are chummy. Be careful not to choose a shaky table. There are plenty of sockets nearby to charge laptop, phone and various devices. Tables galore along each corridor, some more deserted than others but most have a fair amount of people walking by. Watch out for these timings when lessons end— 11.30AM, 3.15PM and 6.45PM— if you are not with your belongings, you might just find yourself booted out of that prized seat.
Found along:
SOE/SOSS Level 2, 3, 4, 5
SIS Level 2,3
SOA Level 1, 2, 3
SOB Level 2, 3
Seminar Rooms
Source: SMU
Booked by the various faculties and SMUSA for studying as exams approach, these are air-conditioned, well lit, comfortable and have sockets at each seat for laptops/devices. Usually quiet since everyone is busy mugging; hit-or-miss on whether or not the room will have space depending on which day you go and at what time.
Open benches below schools
SOA Swissbake
SOB Atrium
SOE/SOSS Tea Party
Library Building Level 1
Close proximity to food. Same wooden benches as opposite Booklink; fits up to 8 people— or long benches that fit a party comfortably. Tends to be a bit noisier as it is close to the road, open air and without air-condition and can either be humid and uncomfortable or pleasantly cool depending on the weather. More suited for group meetings since you can chat and interact as much as you want.