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Kickstarting your SMU Journey: The TBNG 2016 Freshman Guide
Dear Freshmen, The Blue and Gold team doesn’t usually put out publications, but when we do, it is for the new brethren we welcome to...
What Kind of CCA Should You Be In?
Text by Emelia Kwa #EmeliaKwa
Deciphering The SMU Jargon
One of the perplexing things about starting a new chapter at an organisation or institution is definitely the confusing jargon people...
9 Different Groupmates You Will Invariably Encounter
What is a Freshman Guide without a clichéd article about the archetypes of people you will have the pleasure of working with during the...
Tips & Advice: Foreign Exchange Students Dish about SMU and Singapore
Every semester, many SMU students go on exchange to our partner universities all across the globe. We hear from many about their host...
The Kinds of Project Groups in SMU
The A Team The team that won the grouping lottery is generally the envy of everyone. Every person in the group contributes their own...
How To Do The Thing: Student Exchange!
You see this word so many times in your school email inbox and your seniors constantly mention it with a faraway look in their eyes. Any...
Places Around SMU to Study
Working hard or hardly working? We got you covered, if you need a place to hang out in Singapore Management University (SMU)! Here is a...
Top 5 Apps to Get You Hyped for School
Have you ever looked at something you were working on and wished you could do it more productively? Take studying, for example: I can’t...
Class Part: A Freshman's Guide
Class participation, or just “class part” as it is often fondly called, is an essential part of a healthy SMU diet, and also the bane of...
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