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Racism: More Than Just a Taboo
Having lived my entire life in Singapore, it has no doubt been a blessing to stay in a country where being out at 3am is still relatively...
The Key to Happiness
The pursuit of happiness can be seen as overrated or even unachievable in this competitive and fast-paced society. As students, it is no...
Is Your Glass Half Full or Half Empty?
Is the glass half full or half empty? Everyone has a different way of seeing the world; no particular view point is supreme to the other....
Developing linguaphilia: Why you need to start learning new languages today
Nowadays, it is very uncommon to hear the use of a single language in daily conversations. Most of us find ourselves inadvertently...
High Life, or Homeward Bound?
Riddle me this: Who of these two are perceived to have a higher standing in society? The person who spends their weekday bustling around...
US Presidential Elections 2016: The TBNG Cheat Sheet
With the 2016 US Presidential election only a month away, the non-stop media has intensified to a fever pitch. Amidst all this...
We Need to Talk About Cultural Appropriation
“I am hopeful that the concept of “cultural appropriation” is a passing fad.” With those harmless-seeming words, author Lionel Shriver...
Past Prime
Singapore is set to be home to the fastest aging population in the world when we approach 2050 in the distant future. As it is, we are...
#HOWRU Today?
“It was too late already. By then, she was gone.” Mild chatter and the whirring of coffee machines fill the relatively empty cafe on a...
The Price of a Sugar Tax
Just before Brexit made newspaper headlines, Britain’s media was carefully eyeing the tough talk that George Osborne was delivering to...
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