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The Kinds of Project Groups in SMU
The A Team The team that won the grouping lottery is generally the envy of everyone. Every person in the group contributes their own...
How To Do The Thing: Student Exchange!
You see this word so many times in your school email inbox and your seniors constantly mention it with a faraway look in their eyes. Any...
Places Around SMU to Study
Working hard or hardly working? We got you covered, if you need a place to hang out in Singapore Management University (SMU)! Here is a...
Top 5 Apps to Get You Hyped for School
Have you ever looked at something you were working on and wished you could do it more productively? Take studying, for example: I can’t...
Class Part: A Freshman's Guide
Class participation, or just “class part” as it is often fondly called, is an essential part of a healthy SMU diet, and also the bane of...
I Can't Believe It's Not Koufu: Affordable AND Delicious Food Around SMU
Ah, the age-old question that SMU students ask everyday. “Where shall we go eat today?” It would be remiss of us say other school...
A Malaysian Student's Account of SMU Life
I am a Malaysian student who recently came over to Singapore for my undergraduate education. By virtue of this, I fall into that awkward...
We're Not in Kansas Anymore: A Former JC Student's SMU Experience
“University is easier than JC, don’t worry.” Sound familiar? Can I get a hands up for the many of us who were told this when we spoke to...
Year 1, Not from JC, and TERRIFIED: A Poly Student's SMU Experience
My very first class as an undergraduate here was a nightmare. It wasn’t so much the fact that I was the only student from a polytechnic...
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